


(2020-2022) The project aims to improve farm and irrigation district water use efficiency and farm profitability developing a real-time operational irrigation management web-gis system for parsimonious and precise irrigation optimizing exact water use and relative water productivity, integrating farm analysis into irrigation district ones. Project website:


(2018-2020) The RET-SIF project aims at developing an operational tool for real-time forecast of irrigation water requirements to support parsimonious water management providing real-time and forecasted soil moisture behavior at high spatial and temporal resolutions with forecast horizons from few up to thirty days. The system combines satellite monitoring of soil moisture and of evaporative fluxes, quantitative meteorological forecast and detailed distributed hydrological modelling of soil water balance and crop water needs, considering the economic impacts of water savings. Project website:


(2017-2020) A 36-months research project co-funded under the ERA-NET WaterWorks2015 Call of the European Commission. INNOMED aims to develop and apply a multidisciplinary approach to quantify the physical and economic effects of alternative management options in forestry and agriculture on the catchment's water balance. The INNOMED project brings together partners from Spain (CSIC), Cyprus (CyI), Italy (POLIMI and CNR-ISAFOM), Portugal (NOVA.ID.FCT), France (CIRAD-UMR-CIRED) and Moldova (RIFC). Project website:


(2017-2020) RECONCILING PRECIPITATION WITH RUNOFF: THE ROLE OF UNDERSTATED MEASUREMENT BIASES IN THE MODELLING OF HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES. The main expected result is to provide scientific evidence of precipitation measurement biases and their impact on hydrological models, by showing the improvement obtained when corrections for instrumental and environmental errors are implemented. To achieve this, other intermediate results are obtained, e.g. the development of suitable correction curves for the wind-induced undercatch, the improvement of areal rainfall estimates based on the integration of rain gauge, radar and satellite sources, and the development of dedicated statistical tools to improve the assessment of homogeneity in precipitation time series, climatic trends and extreme value statistics. Project website:


(2018) Sistema di previsione di piena in aree urbane. The project is funded by Regione Lombardia (INNODRIVER-S3 - Edizione 2017 - Misure A-B-C) for the development of a system for the real time flood forecasting in urban area. The project includes three main phases: PHASE 1: Analysis of meteo-hydrological data and control instrumentation; PHASE 2: Real-time modeling of floods; PHASE 3: Implementation of the smartphone application


(2016-2019) Smart Irrigation Modelling. It has as main objective the parsimonious use of agricultural water through an operational web tool to reduce the use of water, fertilizer and energy, keeping a constant crop yield. The instrument provides in real-time the present and forecasted irrigation water requirements at high spatial and temporal resolutions with forecast horizons from few up to thirty days, according to different agronomic practices supporting different level of water users from irrigation consortia to single farmers. For more details visit


(2013-2015) Smart tEcnologie per la Gestione delle risorse idriche ad Uso Irriguo e CIvile, is a project funded by Regione Lombardia. It addresses the need of improving irrigation practices, providing the right amount of water at the right time, minimizing irrigation costs and saving water. The tool supports managing institutions, water consortia and farmers. The system couples meteorological and hydrological models in conjunction with ground and satellite data. Additional inputs come also from a crowdsourcing system based on open-source app for collecting geocoded information. Project website:


(2012-2016) DRAGON3 project is a Cooperation Programme funded by the European Space Agency and the National Remote Sensing Center of China. The ESA-MOST Dragon 3 new cooperation objectives are to promote the exploitation of ESA and Chinese EO data for science and application development, to stimulate scientific exchange by the formation of joint Sino-European teams, to provide training to young European and Chinese scientists and to publish co-authored results. In this framework, our group will deal with the project “Yangtze river basin hydrology” with the objective to assess water quantity and quality of the Yangtze river basin using hydrological modelling and remote sensing information. Project website:


(2007-2008) Quarry lakes for sustaining irrigation. Project 4c surveys the available volumes, analyzes their possibility of use and defines a protocol for the regulation of the use of quarry lakes in the province of Cremona. Project partners: Department of Electronics and Information of Politecnico di Milano, Department of Ecology of the University of Pavia, Environment Sector of the Province of Cremona. Funded by the CARIPLO Foundation and by the Agriculture, Environmental Quality and Networks and Services of Public Utility and Sustainable Development of the Lombardy Region. Supported by the Po River Basin Authority, by the Regional Agency for Environmental Protection of the Lombardy Region, by the Reclamation and Irrigation Consortia of the Province of Cremona and by F.lli De Poli srl. The project saw the collaboration of Coldiretti, ITT Flygt, MMI, Valcom, Consorzio Muzza, Consorzio delle Utenze Irrigue, Libera associazione agricoltori cremonesi.

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